The Great Hot Air Balloon Adventure

I recently read a story from Richard Branson about how UK airline Virgin Atlantic had begun giving a picture book called The Great Hot Air Balloon Adventure to children on selected night flights.
Why Typography Matters

The power of typography is in the way language can be transformed simply by the way you use type. The art of typography is to accurately embody the intended message in what you write, and to do so well.
Positive Impact

What are the values that fuel your business? What was the reason your business was founded in the first place? What sense of mission and purpose has emerged since then?
Brand Story Health Check

Performing a quick brand story health check will give you an idea of things that need to be adjusted. These questions are designed to highlight where your brand story needs attention, and start you thinking about strategy to change the answers. There is no one correct solution (every brand is different) – but if the answers is no to any of them, action to change is needed.
What is a brand?

Your brand is your reputation; it is the way a customer feels in response to their experience of you. It can be a powerful catalyst for growth, or the cause of poor results.